Blog 72: Relationship Mindset

Hey hey my people!!! What a wonderful day it is! We are alive, we are breathing, we are able to move, and so much more! I’m happy you joined me today for Word Wednesday! Today’s topic is, “Relationship Mindset”. At this age and time, this topic is really important! Ready, set, Jesus!

When getting into a relationship of any kind, a romantic one, a friendly one, a business one, etc, you need to be these three words. Careful, Diligent, and Observant.

Careful - making sure of avoiding potential danger, mishap, or harm; cautious.

Diligent - having or showing care and conscientiousness in one's work or duties.

Observant - quick to notice things.

If you aren’t these three things, you will have a relationship like Samson and Delilah. Do these names sound familiar to you? If you don’t know or vaguely remember, Samson was a Nazarite and married a Philistine girl named Delilah. Samson failed to look beyond her outside features and look at her heart. Was she kind?, Was she caring?, and Did she love the Lord?. These are a few questions that Samson should have asked. Samson wasn’t careful when marrying her. The Bible says he saw Delilah and immediately the next verse is Samson asking his parents to get him her as his wife. ( Judges 13:1-2 ). After two times of Delilah trying to do things Samson claimed would destroy his strength, he finally gave in and told her that if he cut his hair, Samson wouldn’t be strong anymore. If Samson was observant, he would have noticed every time he told her what would destroy his strength and then fell asleep, Delilah would do it and yelled, “The Philistines are coming!”. Samson could have saved himself from losing his strength if he was observant. All of this wouldn’t have happened if he started off carefully and diligently picking his wife. When getting into relationships of any kind be C.D.O.

You might be thinking, with all the horrid people in the world, I might as well be alone. Does that sound like a safer option to you? Maybe but guess what? God doesn’t want you to be alone! Even though God is here and for you, He wants you to have other relationships. Did you notice how God made Adam then made Eve so that he could have a partner? God has someone for all of us whether it’s a friend, someone romantically, business wise, and more. If you go to the book of Ruth, you will encounter at first a sad story but it only gets better from there. Naomi was a woman full of grief. Her two sons and husbands had died and she decided to travel back home to Bethlehem from Moab. She had two daughter in laws and told them to return to their Fathers’ house. One of them, Ruth, wouldn’t. You can go to the book of Ruth and see how she pleads with Naomi to let her go with Naomi to Bethlehem. Ruth didn’t want to leave her, she wanted to take care of her. One day while Ruth was gathering wheat from some land, she met Boaz. He owned the field. Boaz fell in love with Ruth. After a series of events, they eventually got married! At first, I thought, “Ruth had Naomi, why did she also receive Boaz?”. I came up with two hypothesis. “Either God puts multiple people in your life to be with you or He gives you no one because that’s the season He just wants it to be just you and Him”.

I also thought of something I heard from one of my favorite pastors a long time ago, “Remember, God made everyone but everyone isn’t for you,”. Such powerful words!

No matter what, take your time in a relationship. Don’t let new acquaintances rush you into calling them best friend. Take your time and get to know them. Have you ever felt like after only five minutes of talking with someone they are immediately apart of your friend group? You feel as if you two just ‘clicked’? I have felt that many times before but please please please take your time!!! Do you know what type of music they listen to? What they like to watch on TV? How they talk? How they treat their parents and/or siblings? Take time getting to know their ways. Don’t rush into calling them ‘friend’. You might regret that later.

Don’t let the opposing sex, someone you like, rush you into a romantic relationship. You go as slow or as fast as you want to go. Keep God in your relationship and most importantly, number 1. Have you guys heard the song, “Wannabe” by Spice Girls? Maybe if I say, “If you wanna be my lover”, will that help you remember? My mommy, sister, and I always joke and change the lyrics. Instead of, “If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends,”, we say, “If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with Jesus!”. It’s funny and we laugh but we know deep down, that’s the truth. Friends approving of your crush is fun and nice but their thoughts and actions shouldn’t mean more to you than what God says about your crush.

After reading all of the above, you might be realizing you need to tweak your mindset about relationships. Well, luckily for you, I have a few tips that might help you reach your new goal!

I also thought of something I heard from one of my favorite pastors a long time ago, “Remember, God made everyone but everyone isn’t for you,”.

How do I change my mindset in a relationship?

(1) Set clear boundaries about what is allowed and what isn’t in your relationship. ( Of any sort ).

(2) Remember 1 Peter 4:8, “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins,”.

(3) Remember that everyone is human but somethings you just can’t allow to go on anymore.

(4) Try to think, What would Jesus do?

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING!!! Another Word Wednesday is behind us but the Word is in our hearts! Come back next week for a guest speaker!!! Sending my love, prayers, and all of thee above,

Sarai 🥰🙏🏾😊


Blog 73: Love Our Enemies


Blog 71: Trusting God with the Big and the Small