Born In His Image

About Sarai:

Hey there! I am Sarai, founder of Generation of Young Believers, and I am fourteen years old. I have lived in Georgia all of my life so far. I have an awesome little sister, Kai, and two amazing parents. I am in the 9th grade and it’s not easy 😂. My favorite out of all of my hobbies are reading, running, and singing. I like to read mystery books mostly and write songs in my journal. I’m also a homeschooler to add on to my unique life style. I’m different and I like it. God has made us each for a different purpose so all of us are going to be different in a way, agreed? I play the piano, I do worship dance at my church, and I’m in Beta Club. My dream is in high school I can start learning how to play the guitar. Two fun facts about me is that I like to travel and I like to do community service. Now, that you know about me a little bit you might be wondering how did I get here. How did GYB (Generation of Young Believers) start? Well, in that case stay for story time 😉 . God gave me a vision to start GYB when I was ten years old. It was around the time I started taking my faith in Him seriously. You know, how there are two different meanings when you say you follow Jesus? One is how you say “I follow Jesus” but don’t take going to church seriously or you don’t read your Bible, you don’t pray, etc. The other is where you do the things I listed. When I told my parents my vision, they were full on supportive 😊👍🏽😊! One thing stood in the way though, always that one obstacle, right? My mom nor my dad didn’t know how to get it started. How to make a website, did we needed to purchase something before I made it, etc. You could say we were plain old newbies to that biz. Soon enough, the Lord, like He always does, made a way and GYB’s website launched in September of 2021 with the help of my cool uncle. A whole year you guys before it launched! The Lord may not do things the way we imagine, thought, planned, or even timed it the way we thought but the Lord’s will always gets done, amen? My hope is that Generation of Young Believers will be a platform that glorifies God as I work to share my love for Jesus through blogging and YouTubing. Stay along for the journey, I would love for you to see GYB grow with me. Love you sister/brother in Christ!

Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.