Blog 74: The Power of Prayer

Hey hey prayer warriors!!! Well… maybe not yet, BUT by the end of this time together, you will be a prayer warrior!!! HAPPY WORD WEDNESDAY!!! Today’s topic is “The Power of Prayer”. Ready, set, Jesus!!! ( Totally isn’t this year’s theme… 👀 🥳 ♥️ )

Prayer. “What’s that?”, you might ask. A solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or an object of worship. In the past you might have recited the Lord’s prayer. “Hallow be thy name, thy Kingdom…”. BUT my favorite prayers, are the ones that come from our hearts. The ones that might make us cry, laugh, smile, etc. The prayers that are customized in our own way. Sarai’s Prayer. Hannah’s Prayer. Silas’s Prayer. Micah’s Prayer.

The Lord’s prayer is AMAZING ,but it can’t be the only prayer we say, or recite rather, before the Lord. Think of it like this. When you are a baby, everyone has to feed you but when you become four or five you can feed yourself. I’m NOT saying The Lord’s prayer is for babies. I’m saying, that is JUST the beginning of your prayer life with Jesus. As you get older, your prayers should deepen in depth and in time. ( By “in time”, I mean how long you pray for ). Keep saying the Lord’s prayer, but may I ask, don’t you have other things on your heart? The Lord’s prayer isn’t enough!!! You need to get into a quiet space, dig deep, and lay out your heart before the Lord. He wants to hear ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you want to say. He is all ears… all the time 🙏😁🙏🏾.

We all have our own way from hearing from the Lord. Most times I hear from Him in my dreams while I’m sleeping, He will wake me up in the middle of the night, or through prayer. Other ways are by reading the Bible, worshiping, prophesies, visions, etc. We can either have one way or multiple. Once you find your way, dig deep into it!!! Don’t forget the others though! They are all important. How do you find out??? Ask the Lord to give you a sign. Think of past ways you have heard from him. Once you find it, it’s go time prayer warriors! Everyone needs prayer.

***A MUST TRY***Life can get busy and before we pray, our minds are on other things. The long list of chores we have to do, several assignments for school, etc etc etc. To settle myself to pray, I like moving my shoulders up and down and rotating them. At the same time, closing my eyes and centering myself on the Lord. This helps me close out anything that might distract me from digging deep and being intentional about my prayer. Matthew 6:6 says, “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”. Out of this whole verse the part that attracts my attention is, “go into your room, close the door”. He wants you focused and PRESENT. The last part is very important as well because some people pray in front of others to show off how good their prayers are, show of that they love God etc. But that’s a story for another day. Remember, be present and focused in your time with God! ( Email me and let me know if this helps at all!!! )

We are plants. ( You: “Excuse me???”. ) Give me a moment to explain, I know what you are thinking 🤪🙄😁. Plants take time to grow and bloom, right??? We are kind of like plants. It’s going to take time for us to grow in our prayer life and when we bloom we will be prayer warriors!!! Some prayer warriors are hand chosen by God. Meaning that’s their gift. Others are prayer warriors because they understand the power and need of prayer.

Before we end, I want to share with you a few Bible verses about one man, who was fully human at one point and is completely God. He prayed in the midst of being at the feet of death. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus! Matthew 26:36-44 tells us that Jesus went to the Lord three different times praying about his cruxifixction. Jesus prayed to God the Father. Basically, Jesus told God the Father if there is another way please let that way happen, but if not I will still die for my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. How selfless, am I right?!?Jesus is a man who we can look up to and has no faults! Let’s be like Jesus and pray at the most difficult times of life and at the easiest!

Thank you guys so much for reading!!! Love you all! ❤️😁🥰


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