Blog 61: The Importance of filling Your Cup

HAPPY WORD WEDNESDAY guys!!! I am so glad all of you are here for today’s post! Today’s topic is “The Importance of Filling Your Cup.” Let’s get into it!

You might be confused by today’s topic name. The importance of filling your cup… hmm . Any guesses on what that means? If not, do not worry we will get into now! Spiritually you have a cup. When you read your Bible, pray, worship, proclaim God’s Word out in the public, share your testimony, etc. your ‘cup’ fills up. The more your cup is filled, the more you act like Christ. Today we are going to talk about the IMPORTANCE of filling your cup EACH and EVERY day.

Well, one reason of filling your cup, was already listed. ( 1 ) The more your cup if filled, the more you act like Christ. You will have more patience, kindness, peace, and etc. when your cup is filled rather than empty. The second reason is this,  ( 2 ) In life sometimes you will feel empty and lonely. You will feel something missing. It’s not something, it’s a WHO you are missing. JESUS. Jesus makes us feel at peace, loved, and so much more. When He is in our lives, we are MUCH happier, and we don’t feel lonely or empty.

One of many examples of us feeling empty and lonely when our cup hasn’t been filled is the time in the Bible Jesus was crucified. The Bible says that the disciples were sad. They grieved. When Jesus ‘left’ them, it felt like Jesus wasn’t in their lives anymore. They were empty and lonely. Guys, when WE don’t fill our cup, it’s going to feel like that. We CONSTANTLY must fill our cups, friends. Why? BECAUSE THE DEVIL IS ALWAYS ON THE PROWL. Every time he tempts us, every time we sin, etc. our cup runs a little emptier than it was before. Jesus CAN’T be a weekly thing, or a monthly thing. JESUS NEEDS TO BE AN EVERYDAY THING! We shouldn’t just want our cups to be filled, we should want them to OVERFLOW.

Psalm 23:5 - “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows”.

All you must do is invite the Lord in.

Psalm 34:18 - “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit”.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING!!! I love you guys ,and I HOPE your cup was FILLED reading this post. See you guys in September!!!


Blog 62: Teens Worship?


Blog 60: By Their Fruit