Blog 66: Jesus is MY Tree

Hey GYB Family!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS πŸŽ„πŸŽ πŸ™πŸΎ!!! I am so happy to be here and share this powerful Word the Lord gave me. The topic is "Are you on the tree?"

Everyday, there is a new problem, a new answer, a new meal to eat, etc. The world is so busy, am I right? And sometimes it can be really hard to remember what's most important. Jesus and our time with Him.

Christmas. Oh, the joy Christmas brings to me. Christmas is my favorite holiday. One, because it is Jesus's birthday and two I get to cook and bake and buy gifts for my family. When we hear Christmas, some of the first things we think of are, decorating the Christmas tree, buying ingredients for Christmas dinner, throwing a Christmas party, snow ball fights, etc. But one thing, that should come to our minds, immediately, is Jesus. And His birthday.

One day, I was looking at my Christmas tree that is set up in our living room. And I just stood there looking for several moments and God spoke to me and I had a new perspective on the tree. And I was so excited and bursting with joy and excitement so I ran and went to tell my parents what He said. And this is what I heard from Him.

He, the Lord, is our Christmas tree. He is firm like a tree. We are the branches; overtime we can change and start acting like the world and that is a branch falling off the tree. And other times, we can grow in Him and be an unmoved branch. God is our tree; we can lean on Him for anything and everything. He is the foundation. The tree is a foundation. And we are holding onto Him. And lastly, the ornaments. The ornaments represent things that can go. Ornaments can fall from the tree if they aren't put on properly, yes? Ornaments are the things in our lives that we need to drop. There are somethings, ( thank you Lord πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ ), that we need to drop so stay connected to Him. Because if we have so many things unlike Him connected to us, we will become unattached and fall. If you have to many ornaments on one branch, the branch will start to come down lower and lower till it can't take it anymore. So, what I want to leave you all with, is this, you gotta let some things go to stay connected to the Source. We gotta let some friends, some books, some websites, some some thing go, to be connected to Him and stay connected to Him. So, are you on the tree? Not just on, but fastened and making it. Not hanging on by a thread. Are you on the tree???

You all have a great Christmas and remember who is the reason for the season. Love you guys and see yall in 2024!!!


Blog 67: The NEW You


Blog 65: What Christmas is TRULY about