Father’s Day Edition

Hey guys! Happy Sabbath! I hope you all had a wonderful day of celebrating your Father. Today I want to give a quick message on Father’s Day AND give a shout out to my dad and my grandparents.

Father’s Day. Why is it so important? Why should we celebrate it? Father’s Day is a VERY important day because we can take the time, out of our busy lives, to celebrate the man in our life who has loved on us, taken care of us, fed us, etc. Fathers have big responsibility and it’s not easy so we should take the time to recognize them. That’s why we should celebrate. I encourage you to go tell your dad and/or grandparents why they mean the world to you! Let them know you LOVE them, and SEE all the things they do for you each in every day.

To my dad, Nate Lokey:

Dad. Daddy ❤️. I wondered for a while what I would write for you and I think I have it now. You are not just the man who is married to our mom, or lives in our home. Not the person who just cooks for me, and buys my clothes. You are my daddy. You are the one who loves me no matter the mistakes you see me make. Through all of the trials I have been through, you have been by my side and always told me to trust God. I love you ❤️ . I am so blessed you are my father. Love you Daddy.

To my, Papa, ( Dad’s Dad ):

Hey papa! We love you so much! We are so glad it’s Father’s Day so we can take the time to say THANK YOU. Thank you for your love, your kindness, supporting us, etc. Thank you for all your support towards GYB and always showing us new apps to help grow me and Kai’s faith. Thank you for always encouraging us to keep God first! THANK YOU ☺️ ! HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!

To my, Paw-paw Chocolate, ( Mom’s Dad ):

Thank you for always caring about me and my sister. Thank you for loving us so much always caring about our wants and needs. The laughs and memories we share with you will forever be in our hearts ❤️. The emails you send complimenting me and/or my guest speakers post shows how much you care and support me! THANK YOU 😊 ! HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!

Proverbs 23:22-25 NIV, “Listen to your father, who gave you life,
    and do not despise your mother when she is old. Buy the truth and do not sell it—
    wisdom, instruction and insight as well. The father of a righteous child has great joy;
    a man who fathers a wise son rejoices in him. May your father and mother rejoice;
    may she who gave you birth be joyful!


Blog 57: Believe


Blog 56: Leadership