Blog 48: Rest

Hey everyone!!! Spring is almost here! What is your favorite season? My favorite seasons are the winter and spring. I can’t pick one lol! Today’s topic is on something that everyone should do every once in a while, rest!

Blog 48 will be short but hopefully still impactful! What does rest mean? Rest means, “cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength.” In my own words, rest means to take a break from something and to relax. For example, for six days straight you have been running 2 miles a day. On the seventh day you decide to rest. Why? To let your body “regain strength”. Sounds familiar? Six days working, one day rest? You might be wondering, “Why does this sound familiar?”. Well, let me tell you, because God did this!!! He created the Earth and everything it in, in six days and rested on the seventh! Like I say quite often in my posts, He is our example! Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”. You guys, for the month of March GYB is shutting down and taking some time to relax and have a break. To rest. If you haven’t checked out our We want to take this time to rest and bring some AWESOME 😎 stuff back in April. I encourage you to do the same. The Lord doesn’t want you feeling like you are tired all the time. He wants you to REST. Love you 😍 guys! Also, don’t be a stranger! Email us (go to ‘contact’ page)! We will see you all again in April friends. 🤗❤️✌🏽


Blog 49: Concentrating on the Bad


Blog 47: People Change